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Risks, hard work, and helping others Owen Polzello-Park City Packaging - Episode 81

Jul 15, 2024

By: Ari Santiago

Blog Author

Ari Santiago is the CEO of CompassMSP.

Owen Polzello, Park City Packaging and Ari Santiago, CompassMSP

There are so many fascinating niche businesses in manufacturing, and this week's episode is one of them. Park City Packaging manufactures specialty packaging for vital, large, and/or dimensionally complex aerospace parts so they can be safely and securely shipped across the country or across the world.

Owen Polzello, the next generation leader and current VP of Operations, talks to Ari about the risks and rewards the company has taken over the years. They discuss Owen's background and passion for the business. Owen shares lessons learned from his time in leadership, valuable company culture tips like encouraging idea sharing across multiple facilities, training and then promoting from within, and the incredible value of setting roles, expectations and goals for every employee. 

This episode Is chock full of great advice from a young leader who will continue to make waves in the manufacturing space.
Owen Polzello, Park City Packaging
Owen's LinkedIn: 

Ari Santiago, CEO, CompassMSP
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Podcast produced by Miceli Productions: 
Podcast executive production by Gael Communications: 

Owen and Ari discuss employee retention, company culture, taking risks, and employee growth and training. 

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